My first event since having a blog will be my Spring Fling Party next Sunday. What is a Spring Fling Party you may ask? Well it’s a party to celebrate the first day of spring (or more commonly known as a reason for me to bake some new things for my friends).

I constantly want to be baking, but since it’s just me it never seems practical. So I’ve developed excuses to invite people over and fatten them up with deliciousness.

For this party, the menu will include three things:

~ Moon Pies

~ Pecan Sandies

~ Raspberry Ganache Dessert Cups

The party was great, and everyone seemed to really enjoy the food! I wasn’t able to make the pecan sandies. I think I used too much flour, and I wasn’t able to properly form the cookies. But the moon pies and raspberry ganache dessert cups came out great!

Spring Fling Party Platter